Our Services

Transform your smile with Insta-Glam Teeth Whitening!

We specialize in delivering safe, effective, and affordable teeth whitening solutions. Choose from our spa-like in-office experience or convenient mobile services, and enjoy radiant results.

Keep your glow lasting longer with our premium maintenance products.


45 min

Great for those with sensitive teeth and for those with light- moderate stains.

Let us light up your smile and give you whiter, brighter teeth, with zero to minimal sensitivity.


*Limited time promo

Side-by-Side Special

60 min

Teeth whitening treatment with a friend!

Let us light up your smiles by indulging in our teeth whitening treatment with a friend or loved one! Each of you will receive a $50 discount on our Insta-Glam or Insta-Glow treatment. (Offer is only valid for two people receiving a side-by-side treatment.)

Prices Vary


Most popular 60 minutes

Experience the ultimate in teeth whitening.

This comprehensive treatment is ideal for first time clients and clients with moderate to heavy stains.


*Limited time promo


45 min

Touch up treatment

For clients who have already had the Insta-glam or Insta-glow within the last 3-6 months and only want a whitening boost.


Let’s brighten your smile today!